Boost Your Mood with Exercise

You probably know that exercise is a good thing. It may help us lose weight and reduce blood pressure.

Studies have shown that regular exercise may also help relieve tension and stress and promote feelings of calm and well-being. Some studies even show that physical exercise can help improve mood in people with depression.

The challenges of getting started

You might have trouble finding the motivation to exercise. Here are a few tips that may help:

  • Start small. Even 5 minutes of walking or any other activity is a way to get started. Try to focus on taking that first step or lifting that one weight. Who knows, that 5 minutes can turn into 10 minutes, and so on.
  • Set realistic goals. If you’re limited in your physical abilities, doing leg lifts while sitting in your chair or other chair exercises may be what’s right for you. Be sure to talk with your healthcare provider before starting any new physical activity.
  • Switch things up. If you find yourself getting bored with your exercise routine, try something different. Think yoga, dancing, or hiking.
  • Do something fun. If you like dancing, turn on the music and get shaking.

Want to get started with becoming more active?

Consider tracking your mood before and after your workouts to keep motivated.

Download tracker.